Thanks Living

The remedy for regrets ::: Rejoice

As the ornaments were removed from the tree this Christmas and placed in their storage box until next year, a wave of regret rushed over my heart.  Promises to finish our Truth in a Tinsel ornaments were never kept.  Promises made two years ago. The memories played through my mind.  My precious child, two years… Continue reading The remedy for regrets ::: Rejoice

Thanks Living

Endure with Joy (lessons from the RV)

It has been a year since we have been displaced. I used the term displaced loosely. I have friends in Guatemala who have no place to lay their heads or accumulate belongings.  They are displaced in the real sense of the word. But, here in Texas among my circle of friends, selling a spacious home without… Continue reading Endure with Joy (lessons from the RV)

Thanks Living

Choose joy

It has been a while since I have last sat at the computer to post to the blog.  I apologize for my delay; however, I cannot say I am sorry for the reasons I have been away. God has been working things in and out of my life.  Working out the bad and working in the… Continue reading Choose joy


Letting you in on a lil’ secret (only read if you’re ready for joy)

Maybe you are unfamiliar with the story of Pastor Saeed Abedini.  He is being held captive in a wicked, Iranian prison simply for his faith in Jesus Christ.  While the rest of us are occupied with what we’ll eat for supper (while we’re eating lunch), this man’s family is desperately praying and hoping for his release from the… Continue reading Letting you in on a lil’ secret (only read if you’re ready for joy)


A lesson of love from one who just lost

I “met” eight-year-old Daisy through Francis Chan.  I have followed her family’s story ever since that day. And I have prayed for sweet Daisy. Now I am celebrating her short, yet vibrant, life well lived.  And praying for her parents. Her mother, Kate, wrote a beautiful message of love we should all pause to absorb.… Continue reading A lesson of love from one who just lost


Taking the weight off Camden (we all have a burdened buddy)

Camden and I are still arising at 4:30am several mornings a week to train at our local CrossFit.  In the year we’ve been at CFBC, I’ve learned about more than simply fitness.  In fact, I typically walk away (or limp away depending on how hard I worked that day) with a challenge to improve not… Continue reading Taking the weight off Camden (we all have a burdened buddy)


How I once ate a humble Girl Scout brownie (similar to eating humble pie)

As I spent time this morning in God’s Word, I was reminded of an opportunity for humbling when I was 10 years old. It was a warm Texas summer, and I had packed my bags to set off for Girl Scout camp.  My mother reminded me to mind manners while there.  And my intentions were… Continue reading How I once ate a humble Girl Scout brownie (similar to eating humble pie)


God created “time” (how ours days will radically change if we believe this Truth)

With all the regular buzz of New Year’s resolutions, I have a suggestion. What if we resolve to give our time back to God? For by [Christ] were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: All things were… Continue reading God created “time” (how ours days will radically change if we believe this Truth)


We went “home” for Christmas (to LaQuinta, that is)

If you’ve followed the latest in the DuBois family, you know we sold our home this summer (rather quickly) and moved into the LaQuinta hotel for a month while trying to figure out what in the world we were doing.  We soon bought my grandmother’s RV trailer, and we’ve been living in it ever since.… Continue reading We went “home” for Christmas (to LaQuinta, that is)

Faith, Family

The reason I’ve quit praying for my husband

Our pastor urged us to beseech God. Lord, teach us to pray. This simple request led to extensive training as I became a pupil of God’s Spirit. I discovered my motives and purposes for prayer were often askew. Specifically for my husband. As I evaluated my petitions on my husband’s behalf, I realized my desired… Continue reading The reason I’ve quit praying for my husband